Best HP Lovecraft Books 2023

HP Lovecraft will forever be remembered because of his amazing works of art. Some of the writer’s great books like Cthulhu, Mountain of madness, and other mythos have kept many readers busy for decades despite the horrific and terrifying tales. Meanwhile, there’re still many out there that would be confused when you mention HP Lovecraft or any of his books.

HP Lovecraft books are worth reading even if you’re not interested in anything concerning horror comics. Once you come across books like the call of Cthulhu and take a glimpse at the story, you’ll be urged to know what happens at the end, if the people were able to overcome the ancient dragon-sea monster and its cultist.

Lovecraft’s writing style has inspired a whole lot of founders like Guillermo Del Toro and Neil Gaiman, but at the same time caused a lot of people to point fingers at his use of words which exhibit racism and xenophobia. Nevertheless, the legendary author’s books contain a whole lot of interesting stories about man and the universe.

If you haven’t read any HP Lovecraft books, this could be the right time to get one for yourself. Fortunately, we’ve selected some of the best HP Lovecraft books that should be read by everyone. Now let’s kickstart with the first book on our list.

Best HP Lovecraft Books: The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories

Best HP Lovecraft Books
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories

The call of Cthulhu is undoubtedly the most influential book of HP Lovecraft which leads the lineup of the author’s “Old Ones” mythos. This explains the story of an ancient dragon-sea monster that subconsciously implants itself into human minds, causing them to behave insanely.

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And there’s this cultist who worships Cthulhu by committing ritual killings. The details of the story explain that no one could possibly flee from the dangers of the powerful creature. This narrative story has all the features of a Lovecraft fantasy, with horrors and the narrator’s way of writing which seems as if he’s gone insane.

The call of Cthulhu originated from the perspective of Francis Wayland Thurtson who discovered Cthulhu and the cult of Cthulhu. This is one out of many strange stories written by HP Lovecraft, so they’re still more on our list.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth

The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Our next HP Lovecraft book is called “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” which is another weird story from the author. The Shadow Over Innsmouth is a long story of a man named Robert Olmstead who once embarked on a journey to a strange town called Innsmouth despite all the warnings from outsiders and witnesses.

On arriving in the town, he first noticed some kind of strange behaviour from the citizens. Most of them walk in a very weird manner while having some abnormal facial features like bulgy eyes, flat noses, etc. He reached out to an old townie for some explanations which you’ll curiously wish to know.

This interesting story continues from the “Esoteric Cult of the Dragon” that explains the beginning of ritual practices in Innsmouth.

The Dunwich Horror

Best HP Lovecraft Books: The Dunwich Horror

The Dunwich Horror explains the life of a young boy called Wilbur Whateley who became a fully grown man within a few years. He then has a grandfather named Old Whateley who took care of Wilbur and raised him due to his father’s absence and his crippled mother. Old Whateley raised Wilbur in the way of witchcraft which made locals fear and respect them.

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What follows after this short story is something that might interest you, and can be weirder than you can ever imagine. This story inspired the “Shadow Over Innsmouth” which was written a couple of years later to disclose Lovecraft’s idea about human monsters.

The Dunwich Horror also incorporates the “Necronomicon” which is a text that is mostly seen in HP Lovecraft books, especially from the “Old Ones” mythos.

The Whisperer in Darkness

The Whisperer in Darkness

The Whisperer in Darkness is some sort of horror and science fiction that marks a shift to a different genre for Lovecraft. The Whisperer in Darkness is a book about a literature professor, Albert A Wilmarth who caught himself in some controversy involving strange extraterrestrial visions.

As a man of logic, Walmarth sided with his sceptical nature that made him believe that the visions originate from local legends with no facts. However, he had a sudden change of mind after receiving a letter from his fellow academic, Henry Wentworth Akeley which made him believe in the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.

In the end, Wilmarth later realized that he shouldn’t have involved himself with such. In this book, the author is passing a strong message to those who actually believed in the possibility of alien life through Walmarth’s revelations.

HP Lovecraft Books
The Shadow Out of Time

Best HP Lovecraft Books: The Shadow Out of Time

Another book about strange creatures like aliens and the Great Race of Yith explains a man named Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee who is a professor and finds his consciousness linked to that of a Yithian. He wasn’t bothered by that at first due to stories of others who experienced similar issues before him.

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The same terror kept on reoccurring to the point where the face of the culprit was revealed. HP Lovecraft’s Nathaniel Wingate Peasle delves deep into the Yithian history and culture to explain their cosmic purpose of studying all forms of civilization through space and time.



Dagon is a short narrative story but a very interesting one which is a good example of Lovecraft’s style of writing. The story is based on the written account of an undercover person from maritime history where he narrates how he became a victim of a ship that sunk into the sea during the First World War.

At first, the ship was shot by a German raider, but he was fast enough to find his way into the Pacific ocean. As he drifts across the ocean, he discovered some strange creatures including a Dagon which was referred to as a philistine fish deity.

HP Lovecraft will be remembered as a legend for turning this historical event into a true work of horrific fantasy. Dagon may not be directed towards the Cthulhu mythos, but it’s still one of the best HP Lovecraft books that are worth reading.


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